Databases for learning and practicing

Learning to play chess, practicing Yoga, but also tinkering, having fun, cooking: with the Toutapprendre and Skilleos platforms, the Bpi provides you with multidisciplinary databases in which you will find hundreds of modules and tutorials in very many areas.

How to access resources?

Click on the instructions for use to discover the meaning of the access pictograms next to the resources (accessible from Bpi computers, from wifi.bpi, from your home, etc.)


pictogramme indiquant une ressource numérique accessible depuis les ordinateurs et la Bpi, via le wifi-bpi et depuis chez vous
At the Bpi / On wifi.bpi / Remote limited access

With the Toutapprendre multidisciplinary platform, you can discover and practice multiple personal, artistic and leisure activities: painting, photography, music, arts and creative hobbies, sports, personal development, well-being and health, etc.
Platform accessible from home after creating an account at the Bpi!


pictogramme indiquant une ressource numérique accessible depuis les ordinateurs et la Bpi et via le wifi-bpi
At the Bpi / On wifi.bpi

Arts and creative leisure, music, fine arts, photo and video, gastronomy, sports, personal development, well-being, nutrition, environment… This multidisciplinary platform allows you to discover and practice a large number of artistic and leisure activities! you can access this database at home after creating an account at the Bpi