Foreign literature

More than 56,000 works at the Bpi are foreign literature, about half of which are in the language they were published in. Works in German, English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese, Russian are available.

All types of literature are represented at the Bpi, certain in the original language and translations, others only in French, but always with the aim to show the diversity of the literary panorama: “classic” authors’ and confirmed authors works are both presented, as well as literature becoming established, with very contemporary texts. All literary genres are represented, with a particular focus on plays and poetry.

The Bpi has chosen to assemble collections of foreign literature where the original text and translations are not necessarily featured equally. Texts in the original language are often privileged. This commitment enables the importance of an author not widely known in France to be appreciated, to be open to contemporary creation by presenting texts that are not yet available in French.

Foreign literature is on level 3 of the library, in sector 8.

Publié le 29/01/2022 - CC BY-SA 4.0