Privacy Policy

Legal Notice

In accordance with law no. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 “for confidence in the digital economy” and the law of June 12, 2009, known as “Hadopi” (L. no. 2009-669, June 12, 2009, JO June 13, ), the three Bpi websites:,, constitute an online public communication service.

Please note the following information accordingly:
The Public Information Library (Bpi) publishes and hosts the websites:,,

The Bpi is a public establishment of an administrative nature governed by the Heritage Code, regulatory part (Book III, Title IV, Chapter II Bibliothèque publique d’information)

It is located :
25 rue du Renard,
75197 Paris Cedex 04.
Telephone: 01 44 78 44 00

Director of publication: Christine Carrier, director of the Bpi.

Data and access to service

The Bpi, faithful to its founding principles, aims to provide free and open access to its data. This access is free, without any registration formalities. It allows you to consult information on the site, to carry out searches and to edit a comment. It also allows you to subscribe to a newsletter or an online publication without prior registration but by providing an email address to receive the publication.

However, prior registration is sometimes necessary for optimal technical operation or to offer an improved and personalized service to the user.
When registration is necessary, the Bpi undertakes to collect only the personal data necessary for the operation of the service.

Information on third-party tools

To respond to your requests, the Bibliothèque publique d’information uses the MailChimp newsletter management tool. As part of its use, the library undertakes to manage your data within the framework of this tool, respecting the General Data Protection Regulations according to the choices you make by subscribing to our newsletters.

We also use Matomo, a web analytics service that uses cookies to analyze the volume and source of traffic to our site. Matomo cookies also allow us to anonymously analyze the behavior of visitors to our website in order to measure and improve the performance of our website and online campaigns. Your consent is not required, as our Matomo audience analysis software is configured in accordance with the recommendations of the CNIL in order to benefit from the exemption from consent.

Refuse tracking from our Matomo analytical tool

What data is collected and how is it stored?

The Bpi uses the personal data that the user entrusts to it for the purpose of personalizing the Service and according to the wishes of the user.
The mandatory data collected is minimal: username and email.
Other types of data are provided by the user voluntarily.
The pseudonym is the only public data. For other data, the user has the option of making it public or keeping it private.
The Bpi does not have to verify the veracity of the information that the user will have provided when opening the account nor their durability. If they are false or in case of identity theft, the user will be declared solely responsible and will assume the legal and penal consequences.

  • MailChimp: we collect your email address and keep it until you choose to unsubscribe from our lists, which is possible at any time thanks to the unsubscribe link in each letter.
  • Matomo: The data collected is anonymous session data (unique identifier of the visitor, date, time, page viewed) and is collected to measure the audience and performance of our site and online campaigns. Cookies created by Matomo start with: _pk_ref, _pk_cvar, _pk_id, _pk_ses. The _pk_id cookie is used to store user information such as a unique identifier (ID). It is stored in the user’s browser for 13 months. The _pk_ses cookie is used to temporarily store information about the visit. It is only stored for 30 minutes. Read more about Matomo cookies:
  • Forms present on the Library’s sites: The data collected varies according to the services provided: registration for events, contact with our teams, subscriptions to RSS feeds… The email address is systematically requested because it allows us to exchange with you. We integrate other information such as surname / first name, address, institution / company for visit requests in particular. The information requested to apply for a job on our site is kept for a maximum of 3 months. We also ask you to kindly renew your applications if they have not been accepted within this period of time.

The Bpi wants to be part of the “open data” transparency approach by publishing all its data in a format that can be used by the data web. The personal data of users will be excluded. Only the pseudonym chosen by the user will appear in the signature of his contributions. This signature is also likely to be used on the social networks selected by the Bpi or on the Bpi’s partner sites, the list of which is neither closed nor definitive. The Bpi undertakes not to transfer or distribute any personal data for commercial or other purposes.

How long are they?

The information that you entrust to us is kept for three years for statistical purposes and in order to better develop the service by adapting it to your requests. The confidential information contained in the applications is kept for 3 months.

Is their storage secure?

The information collected by the MailChimp and GoogleAnalytics tools is secure.
You can find more information about MailChimp by following this link and and about Matomo on this page.

All of this data is declared to the CNIL. In accordance with articles 39 and following of law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, the user can obtain communication and, if necessary, rectification or deletion of information concerning him by 
Les données de l’utilisateur sont conservées sur les serveurs de la Bpi qui attache une importance toute particulière à la sécurité de celles-ci et prendra toutes précautions utiles pour préserver la sécurité des données et, notamment, empêcher qu’elles soient déformées, endommagées, ou que des tiers non autorisés y aient accès
The data may be used by the Bpi for statistical purposes in order to improve its services. If these statistics were the subject of any publication, the Bpi would preserve the anonymity of users.

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Information about cookies

In application of the Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), Internet users must be informed and give their consent prior to the insertion of cookies. They must have the possibility of choosing not to be traced when they visit a site or use an application. Publishers therefore have the obligation to seek the prior consent of users.

What is a cookie ?

A cookie is information placed on your hard drive by the server of the site you are visiting. It contains several data: the name of the server that deposited it, an identifier in the form of a unique number and possibly an expiration date

This information is sometimes stored on your computer in a simple text file that a server accesses to read and save information.

What are they for ?

Cookies have different functions such as: allowing the person who placed them to recognize an Internet user, from one visit to another, thanks to a unique identifier; save a site’s language settings; do targeted advertising or even store the contents of a shopping cart.

Who can deposit cookies and access them?

A website can only read and write cookies that belong to it. However, you must be aware that a page on the Internet often contains information from different sites, in particular via advertising banners. As a result, cookies can be deposited and read by sites other than the one you access directly.

How do social media buttons work?

When you go to a web page on which one of these buttons is located, the social network can associate this visualization with your profile. And this even if you do not click on the button and if you are not connected to this network! The social network can thus adapt its advertising in relation to the sites you have visited and offer you “groups” adapted to the centers of interest deduced from your internet browsing. It can also offer you to become a fan of the web page you visit the most.

What are the different types of cookies used on our site?

There are three types of cookies: analytics and performance cookies, fonctional cookies and marketing cookies. Some of these cookies are associated with our website, others are associated with the tools we use to provide the service to you. These cookies are listed and described in the banner that collects your choice of consent on all the pages of our sites, under the heading “Personalise”. This banner disappears once your consent or refusal has been collected, but can be displayed again by clicking on the Privacy and Cookies Policy tab, present on all the pages of our site in place of the banner.

How to disable cookies?

You can choose to disable cookies at any time via the banner on our sites or via your browser.

1/ If you use the Microsoft Edge browser

Select the menu … at the top right.
Click on the “Settings” menu then “Privacy, research and services”.
Click on “Clear browsing data” and choose “Clear cookies”.
Close the preferences window.

2/ If you use the Google Chrome browser

Select the Chrome menu icon.
Select Settings.
At the bottom of the page, select Show advanced settings.
In the Privacy section, select Content Settings.
Select Cookies and site data.
Locate the files that contain the name “bpi”, select them and delete them.
Click OK.

3/ If you use the Firefox browser

Select the Firefox menu icon.
Select Options.
In the window that appears, choose Privacy and click Delete specific cookies.
Locate the files that contain the name “bpi”, select them and delete them.
Click Close.

4/ If you use the Safari browser

Select the Safari menu icon.
Select Preferences.
Click Privacy.
Click Details.
Search for the name “bpi”, select the files and delete them.
You can also check the “Ask websites not to track me” box.
Close the preferences window.

More information about cookies

On the CNIL website:

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Contact for the management of my data

I want my data to be deleted. How to do ?

As required by the Data Protection Act and the GDPR in terms of data portability and digital oblivion, you can obtain all the information stored at any time by contacting us via this form or by post: Bibliothèque publique d’information / Contracts and Markets Department / 25 rue du Renard / 75197 Paris cedex 04.
Thank you for indicating the email address used to use our services in order to be able to respond positively to your request.

I want to get more information. Who to contact?

The Director of the Information Systems Department of the Bpi is responsible for compliance with the GDPR. You can contact him by post at the following address:  Bibliothèque publique d’information / Department of Information Systems / 25 rue du Renard / 75197 Paris cedex 04

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Respect for intellectual property

The Bpi offers through its sites information and documents under the Creative Commons Attribution + Sharing license under the same conditions (BY-SA 4.0 FR) by default.
Some content may nevertheless be distributed under another type of license or copyright. This information is then always specified in the article.

More information on licenses on the Creative commons France website.

Published articles are original or mention the source, quotes and borrowings are credited as are images and multimedia content.
The Bpi offers the user the possibility of consulting this content, downloading it, sharing it in compliance with the rights of authors and commenting on some of it, without prior authentication. The user undertakes to respect the provisions of the Creative Commons license attached to the content. For any content that is not explicitly attached to a Creative Commons license, the user is authorized to make private use of it, excluding any other use, and in particular any public representation or reproduction.

Any disregard of these prescriptions exposes the user to civil and/or criminal legal proceedings, either within the framework of an action initiated by the author or his successors in title, or within the framework of an action carried out by the Bpi if its liability was engaged by an author or his successors in title.

The user of the service is solely responsible for the use of the information available on the Bpi websites. All users must cross-check their sources of information before making any decision. Bpi cannot be held liable for errors or assessments appearing in the documents or data available on the Bpi website.

Bpi cannot be held liable in the event of bodily, material or moral, commercial, direct or indirect damage suffered by the user.

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