Debates, meetings…

Many meetings, debates, conferences, symposia shed light on major current issues (mathematics, ecology, gender and sexuality, digital cultures, etc.).

animateurs de l'atelier en train de slamer
Slam, atelier d’écriture, photo Cécile Desauziers, Bpi [cc By-NC-ND 2.0]

The debates and meetings of the Bpi offer the public a deepening of knowledge and the problems encountered by forging demanding partnerships with other cultural institutions (Ehess, Maison de la Poésie, CNRS, universities, publishing houses, etc.).

Masterclasses and workshops also respond to the public’s taste for experimentation.

Can’t attend our events? Every Monday, the meetings organized by the Bpi are broadcasted live on the library website.

Publié le 03/02/2022 - CC BY-SA 4.0