Audio recordings

For enthusiasts of a specific theme (history, society, literature, science, philosophy…), the Bpi has a collection of recordings of debates and conferences edited to so they can increase their knowledge of a subject.

Usager profitant de l'espace Musique et documents parlés
Photo : Voyez-vous

Hundreds of interviews with authors, artists or politicians are available. The public can therefore listen to Martin Luther King, dive into Léon Blum’s speeches, hear Simone Veil tell her story, Gilles Deleuze or Michel Foucault give lessons…

 A collection of more than 1,000 texts read in French, English, German or Spanish allow many authors to be discovered or rediscovered in lively sometimes moving ways. Literary works from the classic or contemporary repertoire, are read by French actors (Isabelle Huppert, Michaël Lonsdale, Guillaume Gallienne, Denis Lavant…) or their own authors (Yasmina Reza, René Char, T.S Eliot, Thomas Mann, Pablo Neruda…).