Visitor surveys

Surveys on site at the Bpi

In addition to the barometric surveys of visitor numbers and in parallel to national research programmes carried out annually for developing interprofessional understanding about books, reading, and developments of uses in libraries, the Studies and research service carries out other types of study on site at the Bpi.

Surveys, analysis of statistical data, individual or collective interviews, observation, are the methods most frequently used in the framework of these works, which bear on the composition of visitors, use of specific collections or how many visitors use the dedicated spaces.

Latest surveys

Work in progress

General visitor number survey 

Latest edition of April 2018: see the presentation shown during the Actualités de la recherche (Research News) Day co-organised by the Bpi and Enssib.

The main data is available here.

Analysis of free-access Internet consultation logs at the Bpi: what does Big Data provide?

In the framework of the research rules drawn up with Dana Diminescu, Quentin Lobbé and Pierre Senelart (ParisTech),
– publication of part 1 of a study of Internet consultation logs at the Bpi;
– presentation of the works in progress;
– transfer of Bpi data to the TeraLab platform

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Research agreements 2017/18

Bpi Studies and Research Department and Max Weber Center (Ens de Lyon) for an exploratory study provisionally entitled “Representations and practices of young adults in terms of reading”.
Scientific leaders: Christine Détrez and Elodie Hommel.

Research Program: Economic Value of Libraries

Research entrusted to CLERSE (Lillois Center for Sociological and Economic Studies and Research, Lille 1), under the direction of Florence Jany-Catrice.