Online press newspapers and magazines
See which newspapers and magazines the Bpi has online !

All of the online newspapers and magazines provided by the Bpi can be found on the Bpi free access computers or on your own equipment through the wifi-bpi network. Several thousand electronic French and international newspapers and magazines can be read, thanks to databases in particular (press archives):
Europresse lists hundreds of newspapers, from the 90s to today, like Le Monde, L’Équipe, L’Express, Télérama, El País or The Independent.
More than 300,000 documents are added each day giving access to several decades of archives.
Press Reader
PressReader, an online news stand, gives you access to almost 3,500 international titles in more than 60 languages including Le Parisien, The Guardian, Al Jazirah or Diário de notícias but also Elle, Madame Figaro, Psychologies magazine, Ouest France or Paris Match.
The latest issues can be looked at as soon as they are published. Digitised archives cover the last two months.
Using PressReader, you can also download up to 5 press titles per day on your tablet or smartphone, by connecting to the “wifi-bpi” network. This enables you to take your newspapers and magazines with you to read wherever you like, when commuting, travelling, at home…!
The French online investigative and opinion journal Mediapart is published in French, English and Spanish, and can be accessed from all computer stations in the Bpi and via the “wifi-bpi” network.
This pure player is published exclusively on the Internet is fully financed through paid subscriptions, guaranteeing its editorial and economic independence.
It combines debates and points of view of current affairs in article format but also featuring multimedia content. It shows photo reports and interviews filmed with experts, on subjects relating to politics or society.
The subscription taken out by the library allows three simultaneous and unlimited connections giving you access to all of the journal’s articles. The daily editions and full archives can therefore be consulted on site.
Online archives of The Times, The Economist and Vogue.
These newspapers and magazines have digitised archives that the Bpi has subscribed to. Searching by a title in the catalogue allows you to find the access link to each resource.
Les Jours
The French Les Jours news website can be accessed from all computer stations in the Bpi and via the “wifi-bpi” network. The news is presented in series, through the journalists’ “obsessions”. Subjects are treated in a documented and illustrated format and look at the main questions in current affairs.
The subscription taken out by the library gives access to all articles. The daily editions can be read on site. The website does not have any archives.
Arrêt sur images
The French Arrêt sur images critical reflection website can be accessed from all computer stations in the Bpi and via the “wifi-bpi” network. It takes a critical look at news and media operation. It is a continuation on the Internet of the TV programme of the same name created by France 5 in 1995 that was cancelled in 2007.
Programmes, features and columns are fully accessible at the Bpi. The website as extensive archives. It is possible to subscribe to the website’s newsletter.
News Tank Culture
The French cultural information agency, News Tank Culture, can be accessed from all computer stations in the Bpi.
It gives access to public politics and cultural private sector news. It mainly addresses those working in culture. It covers music, live performance, museums, monuments and heritage.
The subscription taken out by the library gives access to all articles and the archives.
All these resources can also be accessed through personal devices (computer, tablet or smartphone) by connecting to the library’s Wi-Fi network.
Publié le 30/01/2022 - CC BY-SA 4.0