The internet use charter

General legal framework
The use of a computer system, whatever it is, is subject to compliance with a certain number of legal texts. Failure to comply with them is punishable by criminal penalties (fines and imprisonment). In particular, sites of a violent, pornographic nature or of a nature to seriously harm human dignity are excluded from consultation.
For information and in a synthetic way, these texts concern:
– the protection of minors: As the Bpi is open to everyone, it is forbidden to consult sites of a violent, pornographic nature or of a nature that seriously harm human dignity and which may be seen or perceived by a minor. A fortiori, the consultation of sites of this type featuring minors is also penalized (Articles 22723 and 22724 of the Penal Code).
– computer fraud: “The act of accessing or remaining fraudulently in all or part of a system…the act of hindering or distorting the operation of a system…the act of introducing, deleting or Fraudulently modifying the data it contains” are considered criminal offences. “Attempts to commit offenses are punishable by the same penalties. (Articles 3231 to 7 of the Penal Code)
– authors’ rights: The intellectual property code sanctions counterfeiting and, in general, any infringement of authors’ rights. Any reuse of data including literary and artistic works in particular is unlawful without the express consent of the authors or rights holders.
Objectives of the service
a. expand the library’s documentary offering
b. allow the public to discover and use new information search tools
2. Methods of consultation
a. access to sites selected by area of knowledge: Click on “catalog” then on the left on the theme that interests you in “Explore by theme”.
b. Internet access.
3. Conditions of access
The consultation of the selected sites is open to all.
Access to the Internet is possible for everyone except for unaccompanied minors.
4. Type of consultation
a. The following are excluded from consultation: sites of a violent, pornographic nature or of a nature to seriously harm violation of human dignity
b. It is forbidden to download programs.
c. It is forbidden to modify the configuration of the equipment.
5. Safeguards
a. The use of floppy disks is prohibited.
b. Email is possible.
c. Printing is possible.
6. Rates
a. Access is free.
b. Prints are chargeable (0.13 € / page).
Users who seek to divert the spirit or the letter of this charter may be expelled from the library, without prejudice to other possible measures (filing of a complaint, for example, etc.).
Publié le 22/01/2022 - CC BY-SA 4.0