Advice sessions
The Bpi offers many permanences with its partners : public writer, Juridical help… discover the offer!

Professional writer session

To find the right word or the right form of politeness, to be comfortable in writing your letters, to write more easily an administrative or professional letter or any other personal or public writing, without spelling or French mistakes, the Library provides you with a permanence of public writer.
A highly experienced professional in writing techniques is available to revise and polish users’ correspondence.
In partnership with the association Mots sur mesure
Registration: 30 minutes before the start of the permanence at the Law, economy, techniques office (level 3)
Check the agenda for the dates of the next sessions.
Anonymous listening

Everyone, at some point in their life, may encounter personal, professional or social difficulties… and need to talk about them.
The Bpi offers you an anonymous and free listening service, without an appointment. You will be able to meet a person who will listen to you with attention and respect, speak freely, break the loneliness and find the words to express your difficulties.
Please note that this service is not a medical consultation.
In partnership with the association La Porte Ouverte
Personal appointment with a representative from the organisation. Contact :
Check the agenda for the dates of the next sessions.
Computer advice session

This IT service is for anyone who wants a personalized answer to all questions related to IT or new technologies. Do not hesitate to come with your computer equipment (computer, tablet, reader, smartphone). Two librarians are present to help you and answer all your questions.
Registration: on site the same day after collection of a ticket at the Self-training office from 4.45 p.m. (5 people maximum per permanence)
Contact :
Check the agenda to know the dates of the next permanences (every 15 days)
Access to medical care for all

What is health insurance? Where to find health, prevention or screening centres? How to benefit from complementary health insurance? It is not always easy to know your rights in terms of health and to find your way through the steps to take to benefit fully from them.
This is why the Bpi offers a free service, led by a speaker from the Migrations Santé association, in the form of individual interviews without an appointment. Whether you are a student, employee, retiree, in a precarious situation or a migrant, you will find all the answers to the questions you have about access to healthcare rights. Please note that this service is not a medical consultation.
Individual interview with a mediator from the association Migrations Santé. Contact:
Check the agenda for the dates of the next sessions.
Legal help

Are you having legal difficulties? Are you wondering about your employment contract, your lease, your family situation? Do you need advice on a question of law? Are you having legal difficulties?
The Bpi offers, once a month, a free legal service without an appointment, led by La Clinique juridique, an association of law students from the University of Paris 8. These students meet with you individually to collect the information necessary to studying your situation. Within a minimum of 15 days, they provide you with a personalized legal analysis carried out with the help of their teachers and volunteer professionals.
Individual appointment with a representative from the non-profit organisation La Porte Ouverte. Contact :
Check the agenda to find out the dates of the next sessions.
Housing instructions

What repairs are the responsibility of the tenant in a dwelling? What help to seek to become an owner? How does your condominium work?
Do you want to rent, buy, build, sell, renovate your home? Do you have unpaid rent or difficulties with your mortgage?
The Bpi offers you a hotline to answer all your housing questions: for 2.5 hours, lawyers from the Association of Co-ownership Managers (Arc) are at your disposal to help you understand your rights and the application of the law. Come and ask them all your questions!
Individual interview. Pre-register online or collect a reservation ticket at the general information office (level 1), on site, the same day, 30 minutes before the start of the service. Contact :
Check the agenda to find out the dates of the next sessions.
Reception of associations in the Self-training area

The Bpi welcomes associations on Thursday mornings in the Self-training area.
The objective is that the participants come in confidence with their trainers to discover the methods and become familiar with the functioning of the space before returning, independently.
The Self-training space currently hosts three associations, which come every week: France terre d’asile (Maison du jeune réfugié), La mie de pain – Arche d’avenir, Association En-temps.
As the reception capacities are currently reached, we invite you to contact us if you are interested in regular participation in the future.
The Bpi also offers group visits, by reservation, adapted to different needs. Contact : or 01 44 78 13 83
Publié le 03/02/2022 - CC BY-SA 4.0