Read the press of the day and consult the archives
How to read the daily press and consult the archives at the Bpi

You will find in the Press area (on level 1 of the library) the general press, French and international: nearly 10 major national dailies, 45 regional newspapers, 60 international titles, nearly a hundred magazines, off-the-shelf issues series, mooks (half-magazines, half-books), new reviews.
These titles are kept between one month and two years depending on their rate of publication.
You also have access to the archives of many titles from the general or specialized press via our online offer or in the form of microfilms.
Among the 360 press titles available in microfilm, you can consult the archives of Le Monde (since 1944), Liberation (since 1973), Le Figaro (since 1854), Le Canard enchaîné (since 1944), Charlie Hebdo (since 1970) …
Please note – specialized journals are placed in the thematic areas. For example, the Charles magazine is located in space 3 (Social sciences at level 2) near the political science books.
Ina collections available for consultation at the Bpi

Ina and the Bpi have entered into a partnership for the installation of two InaTHEQUE terminals in the press area of the library (level 1).
Each terminal includes a “Kiosk” part and an “Ina Collections” part. All content is available for free.
The “Kiosque” gives access to the last three months of streaming from 11 current affairs TV channels and 5 radio stations. BFM TV, Euronews, France 24, Al Jazeera or BBC World News are among the channels that can be consulted, as are France Culture or France Inter for radio, among others.
The “Ina Collections” offer part of the collections available on, i.e. 49,000 documents, archives, magazines and serials, as well as 14,000 websites kept under Legal Deposit.
Find in particular the Shadocks, Special Envoy, Stage 2 or Apostrophes, as well as the Agence France-Presse collection.
Interactive press maps
Discover the range of newspapers, journals and magazines in the press area of the library using these interactive maps dedicated to regional titles and international publications.
These maps give you all the information on the periodicals offered in the Press area (title, publication frequency and link to the Bpi catalogue) by clicking on the orange dots.
You can move around the map with your mouse, zoom in on a particular country, get an overview of the globe or carry out searches using the input area (located at the top right).
The regional press at the Bpi
The regional press at the Bpi
Publié le 30/01/2022 - CC BY-SA 4.0